Let $X$ be a topological space. A presheaf of sets $F$ on $X$ consist of the following data:
- A set $F(U)$ for every open $U\subseteq X$. It is usually denoted by $\Gamma(U,F)$. The elements are called sections. And $F(X)$ are called global sections.
- For each inclusion $U\subseteq V$ we have the so called restriction morphism
\mbox{res}_{U,V}:F(V)\rightarrow F(U)
Often, for $s\in F(V)$ it is denoted $s|U=\mbox{res}_{ U,V}$(s)
- For every open set $U$, $\mbox{res}_{U,U}=id$
- Given three open sets $U\subseteq V\subseteq W$, $\mbox{res}_{U,V}\circ \mbox{res}_{V,W}=\mbox{res}_{U,W}$
They give rise to sheafs.
Author of the notes: Antonio J. Pan-Collantes